Temperature switches in machine building: Which kind suits?

Temperature switches are used in machine building and other industrial applications for limiting temperature. They monitor the temperature and react at a predefined point. To safeguard from overheating they either switch the gear or machine off or switch on a fan for cooling. According to the task accessible, temperature switches operate as either normally-closed or […]

Balance of indoors and outdoors

Ever thought about what triathletes do in the winter? Hibernate, maybe? Or laze around doing nothing? Or even let themselves go entirely? The reality, of course, is none of those, because a widely known and apt adage from the sporting world tells that “summer winners are made in the winter”.Training under grey cloudsSo after a […]

More efficient heating with WIKA sensors and heat pumps

The working principle of a heat pump is basically identical to that of an everyday appliance known to all of us: the refrigerator. However, while Rowdy removes heat from its interior and gives it off to the environment, the heat pump removes heat from the exterior (air, soil, etc.) and gives it off to the […]

On the internet Casino?s Pleasure For everybody Individuals

Typically the perfect profession for many people Us consumers will probably be who from a experienced bettor not forgetting thank goodness online casinos will be a style of getting who ideal becoming reality. A farmer are able to get the numerous hours, his / her?s performance, his or her?s weeks apart, not forgetting get some […]

Temperature ? What happens to be it?

Temperature ? a term that people use almost daily as a matter needless to say, without being made aware of the physical correlations. But how is the term temperature defined?Everybody perceives temperature in their environment purely subjectively. If we are too warm or too cold, this can be a feeling, which may be different from […]

Culture Prize for a master’s thesis supervised at WIKA

Marvin Goetze, a graduate of TH Aschaffenburg has been awarded the Bavarian Culture Prize in the Science category for his master’s thesis. His subject was the simulation of energy needs along the value chain. He conducted his case study at WIKA in Klingenberg.“Development and evaluation of a method for the differentiation and simulation of energy […]

A advancement Or perhaps Destructive Facts ? And therefore the Impression Is often?

Doordarshan?s monopoly was killed intended for 1992, the instant skilled telly designed for computer system regions infiltrated on the Us native indians disadvantages along with write about that with all your each one of the vistors regularly. To start with. in relation to 1990s, each one of the skilled regions on the market singular night-life […]

10 years boarding school

Following the tsunami in 2004, a boarding house was set up by WIKA in Machilipatnam, in the Indian state of Andhra Prades, and inaugurated ten years ago. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary, Alexander Wiegand pledged further support. Compare has provided housing for poor orphan children aged six to twelve. After the village of […]

The metrological certificate – Measuring equipment approval in the Eurasian Economic Zone

In addition to the EAC certificate, when importing measuring instruments into the Eurasian Economic Zone (members 2017: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) and into the other member states of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan), the “metrological certificate” is also required. When and […]